Change your Shopping Plan

       Sometimes when the elves are overworked and Santa worries he will never be able to fulfill everyone’s wishes, he has to make a change.

You, too, should consider a change—a change of shopping habits. 

Do what my dear Mr. Saint Nick does—He lets his fingers do the walking . . .

through catalogs.


Instead of automatically throwing out those catalogs that seem to be the only thing keeping the postal service in business, read them.  Before the company runs out of the plaid necktie Uncle George would love and the lavender soap for Aunt Esther, order online. 

Up here in the North Pole we also have Internet.  To not waste paper and save a tree, cancel all those catalogs and peruse them online.  Anything you desire can be found on the internet.  I’m a fan of ETSY for unique handmade gifts. At prices to suit any budget, they have everything from earrings made of old typewriter keys, to hand-carved wooden bus, truck and car toys, to bowling pins painted to look like doctors.


Both Santa and I recommend this fabulous website.

Perhaps you know some unique websites and gift ideas.  Share your knowledge and help others find unusual presents for their special people.

On my next posting, Monday, November 11th, I’ll offer some gift suggestions that don’t come from stores or catalogs.

Until then, let’s all strive for a stress-free, love-filled Christmas . . .