August 29–118 days until Christmas–Last Card

Here’s the final card created from ‘TWAS THE LATE NIGHT OF CHRISTMAS.

hugs 001 (2)

And the message inside reads

hugs 001 (3)

It, too, can be ordered here.

Hope you’ve liked at least one of my cards. Anything I can do to help ease your stress for this holiday gives me pleasure.

If, however, none of these cards suits your fancy, don’t wait to buy your cards. Shop now. Anything you can do before December will give you a more relaxed holiday.

Check out my next post when we’ll talk about school bells and Christmas bells, too.

August 28–119 days until Christmas–Check out this Tree Card

By the end of the holiday needles are dry and dropping, decorations have fallen and the tree will be tired of standing straight, just like this card.
christmas tree scan 001 (2)

with this message inside
christmas tree scan 001 (3)

You can order the card here.

The last card created from ‘TWAS THE LATE NIGHT OF CHRISTMAS is about the best gift for your loved ones. It’s the cheapest, too, so don’t miss my next post.

August 26–121 Days until Christmas–At Last, the Card Surprise

If you’re like me, you’ve probably tired of the usual sappy, holiday
greetings. Then I have a treat for you—cards that are honest about the holidays like this one.

keep calm 001 (2)
Haven’t we all felt like this at Christmas?
Here’s the message inside.
keep calm 001 (3)

This card was created with an illustration by the talented Nancy Hayashi from that charming book about me.
Christmas_cover - Copy

Don’t like this card?
Tomorrow I’ll share another. We have four designs in all. Each folded card is 5 by 7. Set of ten is $16.99 which includes handling and postage.

Order here now and get them in plenty of time for the holidays.

August 25—122 days until Christmas—Unique Christmas Cards

I know I promised you a surprise about cards today, but alas, even my best laid plans have to be delayed. I’d like to blame it on the elves, or better yet, Mr. Claus, but alas it’s my fault and the surprise will have to wait for my next post.

In the meantime we can still talk about cards.

What about this year making your own?
Use a family picture
card pictures 001 (3)
or a favorite drawing by your children
card pictures 001 (4) or maybe an acrostic poem you’ve written yourself In case you’ve forgotten how, click here.
or a poem with repetition To refresh your memory, click here.

Then go online for companies that help you create your card. In the past my husband and I have used Shutterfly and Costco and been pleased with the results.

Does creating your own cards overwhelm you?

Then be sure to read my next post for the card surprise.

Anyone want to share a story about creating your own card?

126 days until Christmas—Rethinking Cards

Do you really need to send Christmas Cards?

If your answer is yes, is there a way you can lessen the burden?
What about sending e-cards? Type in ecards in your search engine and you’ll be amazed at the number of websites that can help you.

What about shortening your list by only sending cards to people who don’t live near you?

What about sending your holiday cards at Halloween or better yet, after Christmas? Your recipient will have much more time to enjoy your greeting.

But maybe you love sending cards. I do. After all, the holidays are about stopping the hectic pace of life to remember who and what matters.

To ease your stress, make your list of who will get cards now. Makeing your address labels now, too? Want to add a small picture to them? I used this picture last year on my labels.

It’s a tiny illustration from ‘TWAS THE LATE NIGHT OF CHRISTMAS and is my early holiday gift to you. Just click on it and use with my blessing.

Next post, I have a surprise for you about cards.
Doesn’t it feel great to be planning ahead for the holidays? You are really going to relax this December and enjoy a stress-free, love-filled Christmas.

129 days until Christmas–Inexpensive Gift for Friends

$1.99 inexpensive.
3 for $5.00 inexpensive.
You can’t go much cheaper than that!
It’s this flexible kitchen magnet with an illustration from ‘TWAS THE LATE NIGHT OF CHRISTMAS. The message is one we all need to remember.

You can order the magnets here. Just scroll down to the bottom of the page for details.

These are great for year round giving to mothers, friends, teachers and small enough to make fun Christmas stocking stuffers.

You may be sweltering in summer heat, but consider yourself lucky. Up here at the North Pole, the summer temperatures reach a balmy 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Still whatever the weather, it’s never too early to start thinking Christmas cards. The sooner you do, the less stressful holiday you’ll have. That’s why we’ll be discussing them in my next post.

133 days until Christmas–Santa Decoration

Since we just finished a poem about Mr. Saint Nick, let’s make a decoration in his honor. I discovered this charming one on Etsy.

Unfortunately when I went to the creator’s web-site, the language was not one I could read. So . . . I winged it.

You can too. Download directions here.

How long did it take?

Less than the length of a TV movie.

Think of how many you can make between now and December. Your tree could be filled with this sweet decoration or you could give them as hostess gifts or to your special friends.

Speaking of friends, stay tune for my next post for a darling, inexpensive and meaningful gift for all the special girls and women in your life.

136 days until Christmas–A Gift of Poetry, Part Three

Want to try another poem for a loved one?

Acrostic Poems like the repetition poem doesn’t have to rhyme or have rhythm although if you like to do that, go ahead.

Spell the name of your special person down the page like this




Then write your poem, each line beginning with a word that starts with its letter. Notice that I made each letter bold and left a space between the letter and the rest of the word for emphasis.

M erry, my merry man. I love your
R osy-cheeks and that Christmas is your favorite

S eason. I can’t believe how you work
A ll year long so
I ntensely preparing for that magic
N ight when you
T ravel the world—

N ever stopping—from Australia to
I celand and beyond, bringing gifts to
C hildren. No one I know is as
K ind and giving as you.

So now I have written two poems for my dear husband—won’t he be surprised and won’t your special people be surprised with the ones you’ve written for them?
Speaking of poems written for my husband, I hope you all know about that book, ‘TWAS THE LATE NIGHT OF CHRISTMAS written about ME. Christmas_cover - Copy Order your copies hereor from Amazon, Barnes & Noble or your local bookstore. It’s about time someone recognized that I play an important part in Christmas, too. These make perfect hostess gifts.

In my next post, I’ll show you how to make charming Santa decorations that also make great hostess gifts. Best of all, no special talent is needed to create them.

140 days until Christmas—No-Fuss, No-Sew Flannel Blanket

Don’t you love LOVE the internet?

There are so many great ideas out there in the atmosphere and many of them are free. Find instructions here for this blanket I made for my dear Mr. Claus. Although you always see him in red, I’ll let you in on a secret. His favorite color is blue. That’s why I chose these fabrics.

The only difficult part here is making the tassels, which require tying like you would a balloon, Even then, it probably took me three hours from start to finish. Won’t my husband be surprised?

Using different fabrics, this makes a great baby gift.

Any fun projects you’ve found on the internet you’d like to share?